My name is Venus, but you can also call me Void
Zodiac: TaurusGeneral Warning Before Following Me:
I have diagnosed DID and my alters may or may not post on a whim whenever I am not around, they are friendly and love to interact with others so do not fret if the body acts strange or seems as if it does not know who you are.
They are my family in a way so treat them with the upmost respect or I will deal with you myself when the time comes.
Basic DNF Criteria:
Do not follow me if you fit basic DNF Criteria or are just generally a hateful toxic ass person. I'll see that you are removed swiftly and promptly with no warnings.
Interests:Most Interested: VIDEO GAMES
Baldur's Gate 3
Dragon Age
Metal Gear
Resident Evil
Apex Legends: Mad Maggie Main
Vampyr (2018)
The Witcher 3General Interests:
Gore & Horror
Medical History
The Band Ghost
Midnight Mass
Historical Literature & Historical Fashion
Vampires & The Undead
Goth Subculture